
The Real Estate Channel Live

Advertise and communicate with your customers and prospects today! Start leading, get leads. Close Deals.
The age of content and connection. Real estate is the backbone of your community. Be the local and personal source for consumers to connect with in your area

ADVERTISING Works, ROI for business.

Connect with your community easier

Connect with your community better

Keep a direct connection you can trust

Create a value proposition that works 24/7 for you

Free Tools and Training

Advertise and multiply your prospects and deals.
The difference in advertising and the MLS is fundamental. Advertising can promote and impact your business, securing customers and sales. Your brand and voice are greater than simply listings. The best engagement is personal, and advertising creates engagement. Warm deals close, not cold leads.

Leaders Create Leads Automated Prospecting system

Create, connect and close business today, get 2 free tools NOW

 100% Spam Free Policy

Live and Featured Properties and Events

Local market experts and offers live and available for hire. Use secure direct ads to make offers that close deals.
Search gets jammed up with old info,anybody can buy the top spot.

The Real Estate Channel live can deliver new everyday. Get noticed when you want and need using advertising and communication that interests your market.

205 N Michigan
Chicago, Il 60601


A Generative Approach

Quartana aims at being a generative entity, producing solutions that hold a better thought, truth or value to every generation.
We believe in the Golden Rule and The Man in the Arena. It is our actions that will determine our fate. It is our duty to serve as best we can here and now.

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